Animation and Manifestations


Terms book to organize a scientific event

Symposium-study days -national seminar-international seminar- congress

First Phase:

  • The submission of a written request( application)
  • A technical card of the scientific event’s project submitted to the scientific bodies for approval and consultation
  • After the approval of the scientific committee and the scientific council, a document must be submitted. This document is composed of:

1-An original copy of the technical card of the scientific event’s project.

2-An event’s dedicated leaflet which must be original and have the scientific council’s seal.

3-A verbal report of the scientific council’s approval

4-A booking request of the Auditorium to hold the event

5-A license application for the inclusion of a demonstration via the university website.

In case of an international demonstration, a notification of foreigners’ participation must be submitted at least fifteen days before the event to the vice rectorate for external relations, cooperation, animation, communication and scientific events

Second phase

1-A request to collect the established participation rights of the scientific demonstration. This request must be submitted to the agent of financial income under the supervision of the finance and accounting’s sub-director.

Third phase

The following papers must be submitted:

1-An original copy of the minutes of the scientific committee meeting.

2-An original copy of the nominal intervention list of the scientific demonstration.

3-Scientific event’s recommendations

4-A copy of the financial and literary report and its extensions

5-The original certificates of the inventionists’ names to sign them and to complete the procedures to obtain them