The Third cycle training


The manner to organize a third cycle training:

The training in the third cycle is organized according to the provisions of the executive decree n°08-265, dated on August 19th, 2008 which includes the studies’ system to obtain a bachelor degree, a master degree and a doctorate degree and the amended and supplemented resolution n ° 191 dated on July 16th, 2012 which determines the third cycle training organization to obtain the doctorate certificate. The decision n °547 dated on June 02nd, 2016 which determines the manners of organizing the third cycle training and the conditions of preparing and defending a doctorate thesis at the level of higher education institutions according to the training annual program prepared by the general directorate of higher education and training with the participation of the general directorate of scientific research and technological development and human resources’ directorate  and the directorate of budget, means and management control.

The higher education institutions are qualified to organize the third cycle training according to the following conditions:

  • The effective ability to supervise by setting the maximum authorized limit to each researcher professor or permanent researcher from the professorship grade (professor or lecturer class A)
  • The compatibility with the relevant related national priority needs
  • The habilitation requests are studied by the higher education institutions to open the third cycle training by the habilitation national committee (regional)
  • The habilitation is given by the minister in charge of higher education and scientific research for three years and the annual rehabilitation and habilitation renewal are subjected to the same habilitation’s conditions.

Admission requirements:

Admission to the two third-cycle doctoral programs (all options combined) is limited to students who meet the following criteria:

-Students with a master’s degree in the requested option or any foreign certificate recognized as equivalent.

-Students who have not faced any disciplinary measures during their training.

-Students who meet the following requirements are declared admitted to continue their doctoral program:

-Students who will be selected through contests based on written tests.

The third cycle training competition of a national character is organized by the qualified institutions in four stages:

1-The preparation and the announcing of file receiving phase

2-The registration and the study of candidates files phase

3-The organization of written exams phase

4-The results announcement and the registration of the winners’ candidates phase

1-The preparation and files receiving phase:

  • A committee to prepare the third cycle training competition is created at the level of every qualified university institution. This committee is presided by the institution’s director or his deputy in charge of the third cycle training. The committee missions include:
  • Informing the research and training units of the qualified institution regarding the positions‘ opening according to the decision containing the institution’s qualification to open a third cycle training
  • Preparing a coordination meeting‘s calendar in order to prepare the competition
  • Ensuring the installation of committees to prepare the third cycle training competition at the level of faculties, institutes and departments

2-The registration and the candidates’ files study phase:

  • Under the provisions of the articles 8, 9, 11 of the decision n °574 dated on June 02nd, 2016 which determines the number of the concerned candidates to take the competition written exams by ten times the open positions and the doctorate training committee can set the maximum limit of the concerned candidates number to take the competition’s written exams.
  • The candidates’ files are examined on the basis of the results obtained in the bachelor stage, master or other higher training process taking into consideration the provisions of the resolution n°714 dated on November 03rd, 2011.
  • Concerning the students obtaining the foreign master certificate recognized as equivalent, the study of their files will be subjected to evaluation by the doctorate training committee which will accept or reject their participation in the competition.
  • During the registration, the candidates must respect the manners and the determined deadlines by the university institution
  • To ensure transparency and clarity in registration files’ functioning, the process is done through the institution’s website
  • The relevant authority of the deanship’s prosecutor in charge of training to monitor the administrative conformity of the nomination files. These latter are studied at the level of the doctorate training committee
  • The list of the accepted candidates to take the written exams will be published on the institution’s electronic site.
  • The concerned university institution is responsible for the confirmation of the candidates’ convocation by e-mail
  • A deadline of seven days is given to the candidates to present the possible appeals.

The candidacy file:

You will find the doctorate candidacy file at the numeric platform:   https: //

3-The organization of written exams phase:

  • The doctorate training competition is the subject of one or two written exams which will be evaluated from 00 to 20
  • According to the provisions of the article n°231 of the decision n °574 dated on June 02nd, 2016, the doctorate training committee is in charge of supervising  the preparation  and the evaluation of exams’ subjects which must be taken in one day
  • Each of the three members of doctorate training committee proposes one subject with its model answer and it is placed within a signed and stamped envelope
  • Ensuring confidentiality during the whole stages of exams preparation until the final stage
  • Starting the answers‘ correction the same day of the written exams
  • The candidates’ answers are subjected to double correction and the given point is the result of the two-point rate. In case of a difference between the two corrections, an additional correction will be requested.

4-The results announcement and the registration of the winners candidates phase:

  • After finishing the correction process, a restriction of the candidates’ awarded marks shall be preceded confidentially in a record (minutes).
  • The doctorate training committee presided the process of points transfer and the calculation of averages in the presence of all its members and the confidentiality shall be removed on the exams papers by the instruction charged committee
  • The qualified scientific bodies (the faculty’ scientific council and the department’s scientific committee) approve the competition’s results and it is not possible to be a subject to announcement before that.
  • The institution announces via publications and online, the nominal list of all candidates who are participated in the competition’ written exams
  • The winners candidates, under the threat of losing position, must start their registration process in a deadline of no more than 15 days starting from the announcement day of the competition’s final results and the winners in more than one competition can only be enrolled in a single training title