The registration in LMD doctorate and sciences


01- The LMD Doctorate registration file (original file + copy)

02- A registration form……….download

03- A birth certificate n° 12

04- A copy of Baccalaureate certificate + the original manuscript to be documented

05- A copy of marks reports + the true copies to be documented.

06-The master certificate + the true marks reports of the master

07- 03 ID photos

08- A declaration on the honor of non-registration in the PhD in any university institution …….download

09- Authorization from the employer for the wage-earning candidates. A …………download

10-A declaration on honor of not engaging in paid employment for the unpaid ones……………………download

11- A registration receipt

12- A preliminary work summary approved by the supervisor containing 02 to 05 papers (topic prelude, problematic, keywords, hypothesis, methodology)

13- Introducing the research topic at the research center of research and technical media (CERIST)……….download

14- Opening an account on the website: Google scholar/ Research gate

15-Opening an e-mail on the registration’s institution